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Cash Only Member Form
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Cash Only Business Form
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Credit Application Member - Business
Patronage Dividends
Patronage dividends allow us to strengthen our co-op so we can continue to serve our community now and in the future. Every year that the Co-op is profitable, our board will have the option of allocating dividends to owners with some being retained as needed and some being distributed as deemed necessary.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Patronage Dividend?
When Co-ops have a surplus (a.k.a. profit) left over at the end of the fiscal year, the Board may vote to declare a share of the surplus to the members as distributable surplus. The surplus is allocated in direct proportion to a co-op member’s purchases in that fiscal year and that allocation is called a “Patronage Dividend.”
Why does the Co-op retain a percentage of the Patronage Dividend?
The Board of Directors will determine the percentage of the Patronage Dividend that is to be retained. This is done on a yearly basis. This amount will be used by the Co-op to operate, to grow, and to achieve our Ends.
What will influence the potential amount of my Patronage Dividend in future years?
Your dividend is related to how much you shop at the Co-op, how successful we are as a business, and the expenses we face in a given year. The more successful we are, and the more you contribute to that success, the more you could get refunded.
How are my purchases recorded?
In order to record your purchase, the cashier asks for your Owner number before each transaction. All merchandise rung through under your number is recorded by our system.
Do I have to pay income taxes on my patronage dividend refund?
Patronage dividend refunds are not taxable income unless your purchases were for purposes other than personal use. If this is the case for you, please consult your tax advisor.
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Co-Op ByLaws